TLS Encryption

Most browsers can not load resources via HTTP and WS (WebSocket) from HTTPS web pages secured with TLS. Therefore, if the player is on an HTTPS page, the player must request streaming through https and wss URLs secured with TLS. In this case, you must apply the TLS certificate to the OvenMediaEngine.

You can set the port for TLS in TLSPort. Currently, only HLS, DASH, and WebRTC Signaling support TLS.



Add your certificate files to as follows:


To configure an HTTPs for HLS, DASH and WebRTC Signalling servers, the TLS element must be enabled. The CertPath has to indicate server certificate and the KeyPath has to indicate private key file. They can be set to absolute paths or relative paths from the executable. If the server certificate is issued using intermediate certificate, some browsers may complain about a certificate. In this case, you should set a bundle of chained certificates provided by a Certificate Authority in ChainCertPath.

If you set up TLS, you cannot set IP or * into <Name>. You can only set Domains that the certificate contains. If you have a certificate for *, it means you can set domains such as, and *

If the certificate settings are completed correctly, WebRTC streaming can be played wss://url with HLS and DASH streaming https://url.

The current version of OvenMediaEngine does not yet support SNI. This means that you cannot set multiple TLS. So currently OvenMediaEngine can only set TLS on the first VirtualHost. We will support SNI next version.

Last updated