Logs and Statistics


To monitor the OvenMediaEngine, you can view in real-time the log files generated by itself. You can configure a log type and level by creating the Logger.xml configuration file in the same location as Server.xml.

You can set up Logger.xml as shown in the following example: OvenMediaEngine prints logs separated by many tag names and levels. Set <Tag name=".*" level="debug"> to have OvenMediaEngine print all logs and read the logs. And then it's better to disable tags that you don't need.

<Logger version="2">
	<!-- Log file location -->

	<!-- Disable some SRT internal logs -->
	<Tag name="SRT" level="critical" />
	<Tag name="Monitor" level="critical" />

	<!-- Log level: [debug, info, warn, error, critical] -->
	<Tag name=".*" level="info" />

OvenMediaEngine generates log files. If you start OvenMediaEngine by systemctl start ovenmediaengine, the log file is generated to the following path.


If you run it directly from the command line, it will be generated to the following location:

/<OvenMediaEngine Binary Path>/log/

If you run it in the Docker container, the log file is in the following path:

# For Origin mode
# For Edge mode

Following is the example of real logs.

getroot@Jeheon-Main:/var/log/ovenmediaengine$ cat ovenmediaengine.log
[03-27 19:59:13.221] I 10996 Config | config_manager.cpp:144  | Trying to set logfile in directory... (/var/log/ovenmediaengine)
[03-27 19:59:13.221] I 10996 Config | config_manager.cpp:47   | Trying to load configurations... (origin_conf/Server.xml)
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:211  | OvenMediaEngine v0.9.5 (v0.9.1-422-g6e4b7ce) is started on [Jeheon-Main] (Linux x86_64 - 4.4.0-18362-Microsoft, #476-Microsoft Fri Nov 01 16:53:00 PST 2019)
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:213  | With modules:
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:214  |   FFmpeg 3.4.2
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:215  |     Configuration: --prefix=/opt/ovenmediaengine --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --extra-cflags=-I/opt/ovenmediaengine/include --extra-ldflags='-L/opt/ovenmediaengine/lib -Wl,-rpath,/opt/ovenmediaengine/lib' --extra-libs=-ldl --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-debug --disable-doc --disable-programs --disable-avdevice --disable-dct --disable-dwt --disable-error-resilience --disable-lsp --disable-lzo --disable-rdft --disable-faan --disable-pixelutils --disable-everything --enable-zlib --enable-libopus --enable-libvpx --enable-libfdk_aac --enable-libx264 --enable-encoder='libvpx_vp8,libvpx_vp9,libopus,libfdk_aac,libx264' --enable-decoder='aac,aac_latm,aac_fixed,h264' --enable-parser='aac,aac_latm,aac_fixed,h264' --enable-network --enable-protocol=tcp --enable-protocol=udp --enable-protocol=rtp --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-filter='asetnsamples,aresample,aformat,channelmap,channelsplit,scale,transpose,fps,settb,asettb'
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:216  |     libavformat: 57.83.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:217  |     libavcodec: 57.107.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:218  |     libavutil: 55.78.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:219  |     libavfilter: 6.107.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:220  |     libswresample: 2.9.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:221  |     libswscale: 4.8.100
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:222  |   SRT: 1.3.3
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:223  |   SRTP: libsrtp2 2.2.0
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:224  |   OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 2017
[03-27 19:59:13.235] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:225  |     Configuration: compiler: gcc -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -DNDEBUG -DOPENSSL_THREADS -DOPENSSL_NO_STATIC_ENGINE -DOPENSSL_PIC -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT5 -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_GF2m -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DRC4_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAES_ASM -DVPAES_ASM -DBSAES_ASM -DGHASH_ASM -DECP_NISTZ256_ASM -DPADLOCK_ASM -DPOLY1305_ASM -DOPENSSLDIR="\"/opt/ovenmediaengine\"" -DENGINESDIR="\"/opt/ovenmediaengine/lib/engines-1.1\""  -Wa,--noexecstack
[03-27 19:59:13.240] I 10996 Monitor | monitoring.cpp:35   | Create HostMetrics(default) for monitoring
[03-27 19:59:13.240] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:148  | Trying to create a module MediaRouter for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.240] I 10996 MediaRouter | media_router.cpp:40   | MediaRouter has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.240] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:151  | Trying to create a module RTMP Provider for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.244] I 10996 RtmpProvider | rtmp_provider.cpp:63   | RTMP Server has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.246] I 10996 Provider | provider.cpp:40   | RtmpProvider has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.246] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:152  | Trying to create a module OVT Provider for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.248] I 10996 Provider | provider.cpp:40   | OvtProvider has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.248] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:153  | Trying to create a module RTSPC Provider for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.250] I 10996 Provider | provider.cpp:40   | RtspcProvider has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.250] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:154  | Trying to create a module RTSP Provider for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.250] I 10996 RtspProvider | rtsp_provider.cpp:40   | RTSP is disabled in the configuration.
[03-27 19:59:13.251] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:157  | Trying to create a module Transcoder for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.251] I 10996 Transcoder | transcoder.cpp:38   | Transcoder has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.251] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:160  | Trying to create a module WebRTC Publisher for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.251] I 10996 Signalling | rtc_signalling_server.cpp:74   | P2P is disabled in the configuration
[03-27 19:59:13.258] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.260] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.261] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.263] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.264] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.266] I 10996 Ice | ice_port.cpp:89   | ICE port is bound to
[03-27 19:59:13.266] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | WebRTC Publisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.266] I 10996 WebRTC | webrtc_publisher.cpp:89   | WebRTC Publisher has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.266] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | WebRTC Publisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.266] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:161  | Trying to create a module HLS Publisher for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.273] I 10996 Publisher | segment_publisher.cpp:65   | HLS Publisher has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.273] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | HLS Publisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.275] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:162  | Trying to create a module MPEG-DASH Publisher for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.281] I 10996 Publisher | segment_publisher.cpp:65   | DASH Publisher has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.281] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | DASH Publisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.282] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:163  | Trying to create a module Low-Latency MPEG-DASH Publisher for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.289] I 10996 Publisher | segment_publisher.cpp:65   | LLDASH Publisher has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.289] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | LLDASH Publisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.291] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:164  | Trying to create a module OVT Publisher for [default] host...
[03-27 19:59:13.294] I 10996 OVT | ovt_publisher.cpp:49   | Ovt Publisher has started listening on
[03-27 19:59:13.294] I 10996 Publisher | publisher.cpp:15   | OVTPublisher has been started.
[03-27 19:59:13.294] I 10996 OvenMediaEngine | main.cpp:169  | All modules are initialized successfully
[03-27 19:59:13.294] I 10996 Orchestrator | orchestrator.cpp:856  | Trying to create an application: [#default#app]
[03-27 19:59:13.294] I 10996 Monitor | host_metrics.cpp:52   | Create ApplicationMetrics(#default#app) for monitoring
[03-27 19:59:13.297] I 10996 Provider | application.cpp:30   | [#default#app] RTMP Provider application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.297] I 10996 Provider | application.cpp:30   | [#default#app] OVT Provider application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.297] I 10996 Provider | application.cpp:30   | [#default#app] RTSP Pull Provider application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.297] I 10996 Provider | application.cpp:30   | [#default#app] RTSP Provider application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.298] I 10996 TranscodeApplication | transcode_application.cpp:36   | [#default#app] Transcoder Application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.300] I 10996 Publisher | application.cpp:26   | [#default#app] WebRTC Publisher application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.302] I 10996 Publisher | application.cpp:26   | [#default#app] HLS Publisher application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.304] I 10996 Publisher | application.cpp:26   | [#default#app] DASH Publisher application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.305] I 10996 Publisher | application.cpp:26   | [#default#app] LLDASH Publisher application has been started
[03-27 19:59:13.307] I 10996 Publisher | application.cpp:26   | [#default#app] OVT Publisher application has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.706] I 11002 RtmpProvider | rtmp_server.cpp:126  | A RTMP client has connected from <ClientSocket: 0x7fffd4000b70, #24, state: 4, TCP,>
[03-27 19:59:14.835] I 11002 RtmpProvider | rtmp_server.cpp:226  | [#default#app/stream] RTMP Provider stream has been created: id(0/0) device(OBS) remote(<ClientSocket: 0x7fffd4000b70, #24, state: 4, TCP,>)
[03-27 19:59:14.835] I 11002 MediaRouter.App | media_route_application.cpp:184  | Trying to create a stream: [#default#app/stream(2921228900)]
[03-27 19:59:14.836] I 11002 Monitor | stream.cpp:240  | 
[Stream Info]
id(2921228900), name(stream), SourceType(Rtmp), Created Time (Fri Mar 27 19:59:14 2020)

        Video Track #0: Bypass(false) Bitrate(2.50Mb) codec(1, avc) resolution(1280x720) framerate(30.00fps) timebase(1/90000)
        Audio Track #1: Bypass(false) Bitrate(160.00Kb) codec(5, aac) samplerate(44.1K) format(s16, 16) channel(stereo, 2) timebase(1/44100)
[03-27 19:59:14.836] I 11002 Monitor | application_metrics.cpp:56   | Create StreamMetrics(stream) for monitoring
[03-27 19:59:14.836] I 11002 TranscodeStream | transcode_stream.cpp:353  | [#default#app/stream(2921228900)] -> [#default#app/stream_medium_o(3169746412)] Transcoder output stream has been created.
[03-27 19:59:14.839] I 11002 FFmpeg | third_parties.cpp:115  |  [AVCodecContext] using SAR=1/1
[03-27 19:59:14.841] I 11002 FFmpeg | third_parties.cpp:115  |  [AVCodecContext] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2
[03-27 19:59:14.846] I 11002 FFmpeg | third_parties.cpp:115  |  [AVCodecContext] profile Constrained Baseline, level 3.0, 4:2:0, 8-bit
[03-27 19:59:14.849] I 11002 FFmpeg | third_parties.cpp:115  |  [AVCodecContext] v1.7.0
[03-27 19:59:14.864] I 11048 MediaRouter.App | media_route_application.cpp:184  | Trying to create a stream: [#default#app/stream_medium_o(3169746412)]
[03-27 19:59:14.864] I 11002 TranscodeStream | transcode_stream.cpp:108  | [#default#app/stream(2921228900)] Transcoder input stream has been started. Status : (2) Decoders, (4) Encoders
[03-27 19:59:14.865] I 11048 Monitor | stream.cpp:240  | 
[Stream Info]
id(3169746412), name(stream_medium_o), SourceType(Transcoder), Created Time (Fri Mar 27 19:59:14 2020)
        >> Origin Stream Info
        id(2921228900), name(stream), SourceType(Rtmp), Created Time (Fri Mar 27 19:59:14 2020)

        Video Track #0: Bypass(false) Bitrate(700.00Kb) codec(2, vp8) resolution(640x360) framerate(30.00fps) timebase(1/90000)
        Video Track #1: Bypass(false) Bitrate(700.00Kb) codec(1, avc) resolution(640x360) framerate(30.00fps) timebase(1/90000)
        Audio Track #2: Bypass(false) Bitrate(48.00Kb) codec(7, opus) samplerate(48.0K) format(s16, 16) channel(stereo, 2) timebase(1/48000)
        Audio Track #3: Bypass(false) Bitrate(48.00Kb) codec(5, aac) samplerate(48.0K) format(s16, 16) channel(stereo, 2) timebase(1/48000)
[03-27 19:59:14.865] I 11048 Monitor | application_metrics.cpp:56   | Create StreamMetrics(stream_medium_o) for monitoring
[03-27 19:59:14.865] I 11048 WebRTC | rtc_stream.cpp:181  | Unsupported codec(Audio/AAC) is being input from media track
[03-27 19:59:14.880] I 11048 Publisher | stream.cpp:192  | [stream_medium_o(3169746412)] WebRTC Publisher stream has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.881] I 11048 Publisher | stream.cpp:192  | [stream_medium_o(3169746412)] HLS Publisher stream has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.881] I 11048 Publisher | stream.cpp:192  | [stream_medium_o(3169746412)] DASH Publisher stream has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.881] I 11048 Publisher | stream.cpp:192  | [stream_medium_o(3169746412)] LLDASH Publisher stream has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.897] I 11048 Publisher | stream.cpp:192  | [stream_medium_o(3169746412)] OVT Publisher stream has been started
[03-27 19:59:14.898] I 11048 TranscodeCodec | transcode_codec_dec_aac.cpp:49   | [#default#app/stream(2921228900)] input stream information: [audio] aac (LC), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 154 kbps, timebase: 1/44100, frame_size: 1024
[03-27 19:59:14.985] I 11048 TranscodeCodec | transcode_codec_dec_avc.cpp:48   | [#default#app/stream(2921228900)] input stream information: [video] h264 (Constrained Baseline 3.1), yuv420p, 1280x720 [SAR 0:1 DAR 16:9], 30 fps, 195 kbps, timebase: 1/60, frame_size: 0


OvenMediaEngine collects the following metrics for each host, application, and stream.

  • Bytes in/out by protocol

  • Connections by protocol

  • Maximum connections and time

  • Time is taken to connect to origin

You can get the current statistics using the REST API. See Stat API for the statistics REST API.

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