Getting Started with OME Docker Launcher

Overview and Features

The OME Docker Launcher is a tool that simplifies the process of deploying and managing the OvenMediaEngine (OME) application using Docker containers. This tool can be used by developers and system administrators who want to quickly deploy and test the OME application in a Docker environment.

The OME Docker Launcher provides a set of commands that allow users to easily manage the OME Docker container. These commands include:

  • setup

    • This command pulls the OME Docker image(airensoft/ovenmediaengine:latest) from the Docker registry and copies the necessary configuration files to a specified location. This command needs to be run before starting the OME Docker container.

  • start

    • This command creates and starts the Docker container. Once the container is started, the OME application can be accessed through a web browser using the container's IP address.

  • sh

    • This command launches a bash shell inside the running OME Docker container, allowing users to execute commands and interact with the container.

  • status

    • This command displays the status of the running OME Docker container, including information such as the container name, and running status.

  • stop

    • This command stops the running OME Docker container.

  • restart

    • This command stops and then starts the OME Docker container.

Using the OME Docker Launcher, you can easily set up and manage an OME Docker container, without having to manually configure and manage the Docker container. This can save time and effort, especially for users who are not familiar with Docker or who do not want to spend time manually setting up and configuring the OME application.

OME Docker Launcher has not been tested in various environments yet. Therefore, sharing any issues that occur while using it is always welcome.


Run the following command in your Linux shell.

curl -OL '' && chmod +x

Below is an example of execution:

$ curl -OL '' && chmod +x
$ ./ -h

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 Usage: ./ [OPTIONS] COMMAND ...

  -h, --help                        Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version                     Show the version and exit
  -d, --debug                       Show debug log
  -b, --hide_banner                 Hide the banner
  -m, --monochrome                  Disable colors

  setup       Download the latest Docker image and setup directories for the container
  start       Start a docker container
  sh          Run a shell in the docker container
  status      Show the status of the docker container
  stop        Stop the docker container
  restart     Restart the docker container


OME Docker Launcher can be executed in the following format:

 Usage: ./ [OPTIONS] COMMAND ...

  -h, --help                        Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version                     Show the version and exit
  -d, --debug                       Show debug log
  -b, --hide_banner                 Hide the banner
  -m, --monochrome                  Disable colors

  setup       Download the latest Docker image and setup directories for the container
  start       Start a docker container
  sh          Run a shell in the docker container
  status      Show the status of the docker container
  stop        Stop the docker container
  restart     Restart the docker container


The setup command pulls the OME Docker image from the Docker registry and copies the necessary configuration files to the host's /usr/share/ovenmediaengine directory. Additionally, it initializes the log path and crash dump path that will be mounted into the container when it is run.

This command prepares the host environment for running the OME Docker container and sets up the necessary directories and configurations for the container to run correctly.

If you run the "setup" command, the following files and directories will be created:

  • /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf

    • This directory contains the OME configuration files and is mounted into the container when it is run.

  • /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/logs

    • This directory is the log path for OME and is mounted into the container when it is run. Log files generated by OME will be stored in this directory.

  • /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/dumps

    • This directory is the crash dump path for OME and is mounted into the container when it is run. Crash dumps generated by OME will be stored in this directory.

$ ./ setup

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 Creating configuration directory /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf
 Copying configuration to /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf
 Copying logs directory
 Copying crash dump directory
 OvenMediaEngine is ready to start!

If you want to change the settings, please modify /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf/Server.xml
If you want to start OvenMediaEngine, please run ./ start

If you want to change the configuration of OME, you can edit the /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf/Server.xml file. This file contains the server configuration settings for OME, such as the server's IP address, port, and SSL settings. Once you have made changes to this file, you will need to restart the OME Docker container for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running the restart command provided by the OME Docker Launcher.

Certificate Installation

To install a certificate in OvenMediaEngine, copy the certificate files to /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf with the following names:

TypeFile name



Private Key


CA Bundle

If you want to change the file names, you can modify Server.xml.


Once the setup phase is complete, you can use the start command to run the OME Docker container. The start command creates and starts the Docker container, enabling the OME application to receive stream packets using protocols such as RTMP and SRT. Before running the start command, ensure that the necessary configuration files have been copied to the host's /usr/share/ovenmediaengine directory by running the setup command.

$ ./ start

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 Starting OvenMediaEngine...
 Obtaining the port list from /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/conf/Server.xml
  - RTMP Provider is configured to use 1935 (Port)
  - SRT Provider is configured to use 9999 (Port)
  - WebRTC Provider is configured to use 3333 (Port)
  - WebRTC Provider is configured to use 3334 (TLSPort)
  - WebRTC Provider is configured to use 10000-10004/UDP (IceCandidate)
  - WebRTC Provider is configured to use 3478 (TcpRelay)
  - OVT Publisher is configured to use 9000 (Port)
  - LLHLS Publisher is configured to use 3333 (Port)
  - LLHLS Publisher is configured to use 3334 (TLSPort)
  - WebRTC Publisher is configured to use 3333 (Port)
  - WebRTC Publisher is configured to use 3334 (TLSPort)
  - WebRTC Publisher is configured to use 10000-10004/UDP (IceCandidate)
  - WebRTC Publisher is configured to use 3478 (TcpRelay)
 Starting a container: ovenemediaengine
  docker> 7235ff9f80762b6e7b27ba3a9773f5584033d55c113340dabf0779e8f5cf53bb
 OvenMediaEngine is started successfully!

When running the OME Docker Launcher, you can specify the IP to be used as an ICE Candidate by using the OME_HOST_IP environment variable. For instance, specifying the OME_HOST_IP as shown below will propagate the ICE Candidate to that particular address.

$ OME_HOST_IP= ./ start
 OvenMediaEngine is started successfully!

$ tail -f /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/logs/ovenmediaengine.log
[2023-11-01 00:00:00.000] I [OvenMediaEngine:1] ICE | ice_port_manager.cpp:305  | ICE candidate found:

The OME Docker Launcher automatically detects a list of port numbers specified in the Server.xml file and passes them to the Docker -p option. However, if you use the include attribute inside the <Providers> or <Publishers> element, the launcher may not detect them correctly.

If you have declared the following environment variable in the shell where you run the OME Docker Launcher, this value will be used to bind the port and passed into the Docker container. This enables you to dynamically set configuration values using environment variables.



The sh command allows you to enter into the shell of the running container. You can use this command for troubleshooting purpose. Once you enter into the container's shell, you can execute any commands just like you do in a normal Linux shell. This allows you to inspect the container's internal state and debug any issues that you might be facing with the container or the application running inside it.

$ ./ sh

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 Run a shell in the running container: ID: 7235ff9f8076
root@7235ff9f8076:/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin# ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 10:29 ?        00:00:01 /opt/ovenmediaengine/bin/OvenMediaEngine -c origin_conf
root          53       0  0 10:44 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash
root          61      53  0 10:44 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef
root@7235ff9f8076:/opt/ovenmediaengine/bin# top -bn1
top - 10:44:44 up 333 days,  3:33,  0 users,  load average: 0.44, 0.78, 0.78
Tasks:   3 total,   1 running,   2 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  1.4 us,  0.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 98.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 128723.7 total,  10529.4 free,  31268.5 used,  86925.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  31250.0 total,  30345.8 free,    904.2 used.  96221.5 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
      1 root      20   0  320136  21812  15772 S   0.0   0.0   0:01.48 OvenMediaEngine
     53 root      20   0    4116   3456   2896 S   0.0   0.0   0:00.01 bash
     62 root      20   0    5972   3160   2732 R   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 top


The status command shows the current execution status of the container. If the container is running, it displays the ID and name of the container. This command helps you to verify whether the container is up and running or not. If the container is not running, you can use the start command to start the container.

$ ./ status

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 Container is running: ID: 7235ff9f8076, name: ovenemediaengine


The stop command stops the running container and removes it from the list of Docker containers.

$ ./ stop

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 Stopping a container: ovenemediaengine
  docker> ovenemediaengine
 Removing a container: ovenemediaengine
  docker> ovenemediaengine
 OvenMediaEngine is stopped successfully


The restart command restarts the container. This is useful when you need to apply changes to the Server.xml.

$ ./ stop

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 Restarting a container: ovenemediaengine
  docker> ovenemediaengine


Enable debug log

If you encounter any problems during the execution, try using the -d option in the [OPTIONS] to view detailed logs. This option shows the command sets and their results that are executed internally.

$ ./ -d stop

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 Stopping a container: ovenemediaengine
 ┌── /usr/bin/docker stop ovenemediaengine
   docker> ovenemediaengine
 └── Succeeded
 Removing a container: ovenemediaengine
 ┌── /usr/bin/docker rm ovenemediaengine
   docker> ovenemediaengine
 └── Succeeded
 OvenMediaEngine is stopped successfully

Get the crash dump of OME in the container

If OME terminates abnormally, providing the crash dump to the OME team can be helpful. The crash dump is stored in the /usr/share/ovenmediaengine/dumps directory, which is created during the setup phase. You can find the dump file named crash_<yyyymmdd>.dump in this directory.

Sharing those log and dump file would be greatly appreciated and helpful for the development of OME.